
2021-2-5 13:11| 发布者: admin| 查看: 355| 评论: 0

摘要: 人们常说,世间不缺少美,而是缺少去发现美的眼睛。大自然的美,是无穷无尽的,其优美的风景,就足够让我们啧啧称奇。你有被美丽的风景震撼过吗?It is often said that there is no lack of beauty in the world, bu ...


It is often said that there is no lack of beauty in the world, but the lack of eyes to find beauty. The beauty of nature is endless, and its beautiful scenery is enough to amaze us. Have you ever been shocked by the beautiful scenery?


Winter, pure and beautiful. It turns into snowflakes and covers the earth with its own white body. At this time, everything is wrapped in silver, a clean look. The bare branches are covered with white "pear flowers". When the wind blows, the flowers fall one after another, just like a silver butterfly dancing in the air. "All of a sudden, like a spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom." isn't this poem just to praise winter?










The flying snowflakes, like feathers and jade scraps, flutter in the sky. They are as light as smoke and as soft as catkins. They are so pure and crystal clear; they are so light and quiet. Every snowflake is like a melodious and fresh music, like a light and harmonious poem.


The light moonlight, quietly discharging on the earth, lights up the running water and ignites the fire of tomorrow's sunrise. Moonlight gently stroked all things on the earth, so that all creatures entered the dream.



Looking up, you can see the steep cliffs in various shapes. Some are like city walls, some are like gate towers, some are like figures, and some are like animals. Looking from side to side, they are full of fun. You can't help but sigh that the uncanny power of nature can create such a wonderful shape.





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